Tuesday, January 30

Just Quickly Checking In

I know I have at least one reader/family member...who gets a little worried, if I don't blog as often as I usually do. So, to ease her mind and to also check in with the rest of you, I am here, alive, well, kickin' and happy. I had a great weekend. Saturday, was a lazy day, and it was wonderful. On Sunday, I turned into a cleaning madwoman. I organized my desk area and several places in my kitchen that were in dire need of some cleaning up. I had a cabinet in the kitchen that I seriously called, the cabinet where everything falls on you. We don't really have a junk drawer, so this cabinet housed a junk shelf. When DH would ask sometimes where a particular object was, I'd say, it's in the cabinet where everything falls on you. And It's true. You'd open it up, reach to get something, and about 10 things would come flying at you. So, I got that all organized. My kitchen got a nice extra cleaning, more-so than usual, and I even put up a bulletin board, an Americana one, to match the decor.

I then got cracking on planning my week out for the day care. I had decided that I was going to give my day care 110% I planned out Monday - Wednesday. So far, it's been going AMAZINGLY WELL! This week, we are learning the letter R. Yesterday, our subject was ravens. We learned about Elijah and how when he was hiding in the wilderness, God had a raven bring him food. We had an R coloring sheet with a raven and Bible verse on it. We colored a picture showing a raven feeding Elijah. I told the story of Elijah and the raven with a hand puppet. They loved that. We did a couple other raven crafts throughout the day. We had a standup raven that we made who held a sign that said, God will take care of you. And we had a picture of a raven flying toward an outstretched hand and we glued cheerios on the hand.

We played duck, duck, raven. It's just like duck, duck, goose. The kiddos had never played it before and they loved it. We also played a game where we acted out movement words that begin with the letter Row, Rock, Roll, Run. They loved that. We had several songs to sing about ravens too.

We also fit in this week's Bible memory verse. I found an awesome site where this gal has put tons of verses to familiar tunes and includes movements as well. So, this week we are learning...Children obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. Ephesians 6:1. They are having tons of fun with it.

Today, our theme is rockets and we are having a blast with it. Unfortunately, it is FREEZING outside, so we can't go out to launch a little bottle rocket that I was going to originally do with them.

Friday will be my favorite day. We are doing race cars. They are each going to have their own car made out of a cardboard box and we will have races and trophies to win.
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So, yesterday was such a TERRIFIC day. During free play time, the kids played so well. I was able to sit down there with them and read a book, I recently got and it was peaceful. Today, has been going just as smoothly. I know that I will have bad days here and there. But for the most part, if every day..or mostly every day.....continues to be like these past two days, then this day care stuff will just rock. Plus, it's fun to find games and activities for them to do, I enjoy it. It is fun to be creative.

So, REAL QUICK, the book I have been reading, is called Wounded Healer and it is by Christian author, Donna Fleisher. Right now, on her blog, if you are active duty military OR a military spouse, you can receive her book, Wounded Healer, for FREE. She ships it out to you and even autographs it. I must tell you, I was hooked from page one. I love the way she writes and it is a great story. I started it Sunday evening and it's almost finished. So, go check out her site.

I will be back in a bit to do In Other Words. I have to just catch up on some email, get the little mister to nap and then I'll be on here again to share with you my thoughts on today's In Other Words quote.