We almost didn't make it. We left for the airport in plenty of time, but it was a Friday night at rush hour and there was an accident on the freeway that added even more of a delay. It took us an hour to drive a stretch of freeway that should only have taken us 30 minutes. So, we were pushing it close. Our flight was on time, how come it's never delayed when you need it to be??? And at 7:15, we were still driving. The plane was to start boarding at 7:45 and leave at around 8:00 P.M. The hubby didn't think we were going to make it, in fact he was pretty darn sure we wouldn't. And there weren't any other flights going out until the morning, late in the morning. If we had had to take that flight, we would have arrived after the Cubs game started. And the whole point of the trip, was to see the game.
For those of you that didn't know, my hubby has been a Cubs fan since he was a little kid and has ALWAYS wanted to see a game at Wrigley Field. His birthday was over Memorial Day weekend and for his present, I bought him tickets to the Cubs game on June 2nd. He was THRILLED.
So, anyway, we got to the airport at 7:24ish...maybe a little bit earlier and of course we parked in the garage in probably the spot farthest away from the elevators to take us to the terminal. At this point, there was no way we would have time to check-in our luggage. The hubby suggested that we just take out one outfit from our suitcase and place it in his backpack that holds his laptop. Of course, me being a girl, was like..no I need this and this and extra clothes just in case (WHICH I DID NEED) and my hair straightener...yada yada...I insisted that our luggage would be small enough to go through security and that we wouldn't need to check it.
But, I was wrong! We raced to the security checkpoint....and the line was long and so was the line to check luggage...and an employee told us that we COULD NOT carry on our suitcase. If we went to check it, we'd miss our plane. So, I think we broke the law, but we went over to the side, placed our suitcase on the ground and took out what we truly NEEDED. The hubby only wanted us to take one outfit, but there was no way I was going to get rid of my new jeans, my new shorts and the new shirts...that I seriously JUST BOUGHT. So besides some socks and pj bottoms, we fit our clothes into his packpack grabbed our tennis shoes...leaving our flip flops behind...and raced through security. And we made our flight. But I am sure at some point...attention was drawn to our suitcase...just laying on its own. OOPS!!!
So, we got to our hotel and everything was good. We didn't have toothpaste, razors or a brush. I also left my cute, brand new ankle socks behind. So, I did have to visit the gift shop pretty early to get those much needed things..including the only socks they had...ankle ones for men. And after eating a complimentary and huge hot breakfast, we headed to the L to travel to the game.
Travelling by their L system was pretty easy, but it took a long time. An hour and a half later, we were at Wrigley field. Man, I LOVED watching my hubby take it all in. He had this HUGE smile on his face and it was darling. He was soooo happy!!!
Here we are, before entering the stadium...
A cubsfan.com picture taken of us at the game
The Cubs lost, but it was still an exciting game. And our seats were GREAT!!! We were near third base and fairly low. Here's the view from our seats....
So, in case you didn't hear much about the Cubs game on Saturday, there was a fight between the manager, Lou, and the third base umpire, that caused quite a bit of commotion. Lou was kicking the dirt and his hat onto the ump and yelling. The crowd also showed their anger by throwing Cubs hats, mugs and trash all over the field.
Everyone was on their feet cheering Lou on, it was crazy. And I am such a mom, because the whole time, I had a hard time cheering for him. I mean I know this is how Lou is, but really I thought it was childish. And I don't think it was setting a good example for the children in the stands watching. Anyway, the game ended and we headed to the Sears Tower.
At this point, it was 4:00 and all we had eaten all day was breakfast and a pretzel at the game. Oh, and a small Jamba Juice. And I think I had had one bottle of water and one coke to drink. I was starting to feel weak....maybe a little lightheaded and I knew I was hungry. We waited for awhile to meet up with my friend from college, Charity. She and her mom took a 90 minute long train ride to Chicago to meet up with us. We were going to head to the top of the Sears Tower and then after that head over to Ed Debevic's for some dinner. It was so great to see Charity.
The Sears tower was neat too. Did you know it was designed after a pack of cigarettes? That's another story for another day. We were forced to watch some little movie about it before heading up the elevator and getting to the top in 60 seconds. Boy was that hard on the ears. Up at the top, I started feeling even more dizzy. Something wasn't right. It was neat..the view and all, but I just really wanted to eat.
So, after Steve took in all the sites from the tower, which he loved,
we headed to Ed's. It was quite a bit of a walk. When we sat down to eat, all I wanted was potatoes. It's my comfort food, I tell you!!! And I drank a ton of water. I had a horrible headache and I felt like I was going to pass out and so I figured I was dehydrated, so I chugged water like nobody's business. Oh and Charity, my other photographer friend, took some silly pictures of the hubby and I while we waited for our food. She took a ton with her camera as well.
So, when our food came, I went straight for the potatoes and carrots. Charity's mom suggested that I really needed the pot roast for the protein. I had a few bites, but I was so nauseated, and decided to call it a night. I was so very bummed, because..it was only 8:00, Charity and her mom had to stay in the city a few more hours before the next train would leave,and as much as I wanted to spend time with them and the hubby, my body wanted nothing more than to rest. So, we grabbed a cab to head back to the hotel. There was no way I could ride an hour on the L. The cab got us there in 15 - 20 minutes And THANKFULLY, Charity's mom gave me a little bag that I could throw up in, if I needed to......
Because, in the cab, on the way back to the hotel, I got sick. I threw up everywhere, and although the bag came in handy, I puked all over myself. It was horrible. We got to our room, I showered and then went to bed. The morning came too quickly. We had to get up early to head home, and I still had a splitting headache.
I didn't eat a whole lot today. My tummy was still pretty crummy, I was nauseated and the headache just persisted. When I got home, I called my day care parents and told them I was going to close tomorrow. Then I went to sleep. I rested for about 5 hours, when my poor, drained hubby asked if he could rest and I could take over with the kids...fedding them and putting them to bed.
And although my stomach is still not the greatest, about an hour ago, my headache left the building. So I plan on calling it a night soon, getting lots of rest and taking it easy tomorrow. Other than being sick, I had a great time and the hubby did too.