Tuesday, May 16

The Miss' Appointment

Well, we just got back from the miss' appointment with the neurosurgeon. Her fracture is on the left side right around the eyebrow area. He said that her skull fracture should be completely healed in six weeks. He said that it is common with skull fractures for there to be delayed swelling, so her head and eye may get worse before it gets better type of a thing. She is likely to have swelling over the next 6 weeks. No other appointments with him will be necessary unless she has swelling beyond the six weeks.
He also told us that there was in fact no damage to her brain, so she won't have any effects from the fracture. That was a relief to hear. The miss had fun at the doctor's office. There were so many toys for her to play with and we couldn't get her to leave.
So, she will be just fine. What great news, huh? Thank you all for your prayers. I know God's hand was on her this weekend.
I took about 40 pictures of her this morning in her cute dress blowing bubbles. I couldn't get a single one with her smiling or with her eyes mostly open. She was smiling lots, just not when the flash would go off. But I wanted to attach a picture so that you could see her eye. I also want you to know that she is her happy, playful self and doesn't seem to be hurting or bothered by her head or eye. I am still giving her tylenol though, and I am sure it's been helping.

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