Friday, October 3

My Fabulous Swap Package

So, I should have posted this last week after receiving the package, but I didn't have a working camera. :-(
Earlier this week, my dad sent me out his old one and I received it yesterday. YAY!

I signed up for the My Favorite Things Swap and it was a lot of fun choosing which of my favorite things I would send out to my swap partner. It was also tons of fun receiving a package too.

My fabulous swap partner, Duchess, sent me such a GREAT package in the mail. She had everything wrapped in the cutest paper with a blue and brown theme. I wish I had had a camera to show you what everything looked like, all wrapped and adorned with ribbons.

I was going to wait for a working camera before opening my gifts, but, really, is it possible to not open the presents right then and there? Obviously not for me.

So, today, I have taken a picture of my wonderful gifts.....well almost all of them.

There's only one thing missing......because I have a huge sweet tooth and I had to gobble them down right away.

Please tell me that you also would have eaten them all in almost one evening?!?!? I had never had those particular cookies before, and they were super yummy.

She also sent a planner, which I desperately needed, a weekly to to list, which I needed even more, a beautiful Christmas ornament, a gorgeous frame, a Banana nut Candle which smells divine and a bag of Dunkin Donuts coffee, which I have also yet to try but have been told by many that it is super yummy.

THANK YOU again, Duchess, for your wonderful gifts. :-) And THANK YOU Wendi for hosting the swap.

Are you curious as to what favorite things of mine I sent her way? Well, find out.........