Saturday, October 4

10 Things I Love

Courtney over at Chaos Is Us, invited us to join in her 10 Things I Love Meme. After leaving a comment, she would respond to us with a letter. I received the letter L. So now I am to share with you all 10 of my favorite things beginning with the letter L.

If you would like to play along as well, leave me a comment, and I will send a letter your way.

1. Laughter - I LOVE laughter, especially my kids' laughter. There is nothing better than their hearty belly laughs. I also love how I feel after a huge, energetic laugh.

2. Lasagna - My grandmother came to the United States from Italy, so as you can imagine, I grew up eating delicious Italian meals. One of my favorite dishes is lasagna. It is such a comfort food for me. I surprisingly don't mind Olive Garden's lasagna with some of their peach iced tea. YUM!

3. Long Island, New York - I had an Aunt that lived in Long Island for awhile. I remember visiting her about 8 years ago and falling in love with Long Island. It is so green and gorgeous. The houses are beautiful and the city is just a train ride away. If I ever come into lots and lots of money, you will find me there. :)

4. My Limited Jeans - A friend of mine treated me to a new outfit a few months ago. I received a brand new pair of jeans from The Limited, and I LOVE THEM. They fit me soooo well and they are very flattering. I have realized if I stay away from Juniors sizes and wear clothes intended for women, things fit much better.

5. Lindt Chocolates - Although they aren't my absolute favorite candy, they are up there on the list. I LOVE all things chocolate. And although my friend, Andrea, loves the peanut butter ones the best, my favorite are the red ones.

6. Lavender Roses - They are one of my absolute favorite flowers. Well, actually they are called sterling roses. They made up my wedding bouquet and are given to me by my hubby when he really wants to surprise me. The prettiest ones I have come across are at AJ's.

7. Lyrics - I absolutely love song lyrics. My favorite songs are ones with meaningful and beautiful lyrics. I am constantly googling various songs to read the lyrics.

8. Lazy Days - I don't get these often. They are very rare. So if I ever get to enjoy a LAZY DAY, I milk it for all it's worth.

9. Love - It's a given. Who doesn't love LOVE???

10. Lavishing gifts onto others - When I can afford it, I really do love giving gifts to others. I enjoy thinking of what things they would love the most. It is so much fun to give.