Saturday, February 2

Blog Surfing Saturday - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more

I used to do this awhile back on Fridays, but I am now switching it to today. And I have some recent blog links, and some older ones.
This is when I share with you, some of the blog posts I have recently come across that I have enjoyed and think you may too.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic 1. First, we have a bit of an oldie, written almost a month ago. It's a crazy day in the life of the mom at Raising Five. I adore this woman. I vow to be like her someday. She just embodies so much of the person I want to be. And when I read this post, I tried to determine how I would have acted in the same situation, and it wasn't pretty. I pictured myself taking the form of someone belonging in an exorcist movie. And sadly, if you asked my hubby if he thinks I am going too far there, he'd probably say that I hit the nail on the head. And honestly, since reading her post, I remind myself of it from time to time when I am having what I feel is a stressful moment, which seriously isn't even close to comparing to the stress factor involved in Raising Five's post. Wow, that was a long intro huh?

Image and video hosting by TinyPic 2. Now, the second link is one that made me laugh pretty hard, but how could it not, when it's written by our lovely friend at Rocks In My Dryer? The Story of one of her son's most recent drawings.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic 3. And if you don't read any of these other blog posts that I just linked to, which really, you should, please at least read THIS MOVING POST by Shannon at Wind Scraps. And maybe keep it in mind the next time you are getting groceries.