Sunday, September 10


So, I know I am overdue for pictures of the let's begin.

Here is the mister with Daddy. He was cuddling and being all smiley with his head resting on DH's shoulder. When I started to take pictures though, he perked up, looked at me, smiled big and began to pose. It was so stinking cute.
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I took the miss to a free gymnastics class yesterday. One of her friends is enrolled in it, so we got to try it out for free. Oh my goodness, she LOVED IT! LOVED IT! And she did such a great job. She had a blast. Here are some pics from yesterday.

She loved the balance beam and she walked across it all by herself. At the end of the beam, she put her arms up and yelled, "Tada!"
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The next time around, she tried it sideways.
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She also loved hanging from the bar. I tried to get a picture of it, but my shutter speed is so slow, but what they'd do, is put the bear on the top of the bar and she'd curl up and try to kick it. She again did a great job. After getting down from the bar, she'd grab the bear and give it a kiss.
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